Making Your Own Soda


Homemade Summertime Refreshment



Last Christmas, my husband asked for a Soda Stream so he could cut down on the sugary soda and make his own sparkling flavored waters. I thought this was a great idea and searched the internet for recipes for homemade soda syrups.  Turns out there are so many great combinations and they follow a basic recipe of a simple syrup and fruit and herbs.


To make a simple syrup, combine one cup of water to a half cup of sugar. To flavor your simple syrup, throw in about 3-4 cups of fresh fruit and fresh herbs and bring to a boil. Mash up your fruit with a potato masher to release the juices and flavors. Simmer for a half hour. Strain the fruit and herbs with a fine mesh sieve, mashing the fruit into the sides to further bring out the flavor. Store the syrup in a glass jar in the refrigerator for up to one week.

When your want to make your soda, add 3-4 ounces of your syrup to your sparkling water.


For my first attempt, I made a Ginger Peach Combo



It was delicious, so I tried a Grapefruit and Mint Combo. (Not so delicious.) But there are so many flavor combinations to try, I’m ready to experiment.



Strawberry Basil

Cherry Vanilla

Blueberry Sage

Pineapple Mint

I think you’re only limited by your imagination! And these sodas are especially good if your kids, like mine, drink too much commercial sodas. These are all natural and you can control the amount of sugar. And these soda syrups would make really pretty hostess gifts. You don’t need a soda stream-you can just add it to plain sparkling water from the grocery store.


If you try this, I’d love to hear how yours came out!




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