It’s All Hollow’s Eve!


Happy Halloween Everyone!



Today is Halloween and I have a confession to make…I’ll be glad when it’s over.  I don’t know about you, but there’s too much pressure!

Everyone’s yard is ghostly and cemetery- like, and mine is not.  I did not even carve a damn pumpkin this year!  I keep seeing all these posts on Facebook from all my friends carving pumpkins with their kids, baking skeleton cupcakes, making their own stinking witch’s brew.  I haven’t’ done any of that this year…slacker mom that I have become.

I am a slacker…all I did this year was make a fall wreathe, print a picture from and laminate it, and try to do up the fake fireplace as Halloween as possible.





I miss the days when things related to Halloween were simple:

  • You came home from school after your one hour Halloween school party
  • Either searched your parent”s closet for old clothes and put together your own costume or,
  • put on the plastic costume and mask your mom got you from K-mart
  • went out trick or treating when it was dark with all your friends in the neighborhood
  • came home and ate your candy.

ape          chachixxx    wendy

Easy, simple, no hassles.

Some people have decorated their yards to look like a blood factory to scare the living daylights out of unsuspecting preschoolers and kindergarteners.

Do we really need a zombie baby at the front door to greet children?  Yuck.

I’m all about holiday decorations, but does it have to be so scary?

And don’t get me started on costumes for kids…I have two boys.  Is it really necessary to dress them up like serial killers or bloody zombies?  They are 8 and 11!  I had a huge argument with my eight year old because he wanted a costume that had a bloody sword attached to it…Maybe I am too old-fashioned and uptight, but I don’t want to see my third grader running around my neighborhood with a bloody sword, plastic that it might be. It’s weird.  Lucky for me, he happily agreed to be a “greaser” because,  after all, it came with a black (plastic) leather jacket.  And my 5th grader told me, “Mom, when you are in 5th grade, it’s not about being scary anymore.  It’s about being funny.”  So he went with some kind of “ultimate fan” costume that looked like a tuxedo.

Thankfully, I don’t have girls because that could be another problem…after they want to be princesses and cowgirls, they get a little older and their costumes become more risqué.  I’m not even going to go there…I’m sure you must get an idea of what I think about that.

So I am taking it easy tonight with the kids…we’ll go trick or treating with their friends from school.  The parents will hang out and eat chili prepared by the hostess.  I won’t have a ton of orange lights, cobwebs, mummies, rotted pumpkins or cemetery plots to remove in the morning.

I will try not to feel guilty about that.Winking smile